Tuesday, June 15, 2004
According to which, a metrosexual would be a man, who generally is,
1. Someone who color co-ordinates his clothes
2. Listens to Kylie Minogue
3. Goes to “independent” movies
4. Cares deeply about exfoliation or even perhaps manscapes.
The Merriam Websters and other online resources, reliably inform me that “exfoliation” is removing of dead/old skin cells from the face and body, to give oneself a “younger” look.
Yeah it does strike a chord now, was out of town awhile back and was staying in this hotel, had nothing to read and neither was there anything worthwhile on the telly. So out of absolute boredom, I began reading up the packaging/instructions on the freebie toiletries.
A face wash tube had told me something to the effect of “exfoliate the skin with a scrub or a loofah, and then apply the face wash”. I didn’t proceed to use the freebie face wash. The thought that "exfoliate" might mean the mundane "rub", did cross the mind. But I really was'nt mentally and psychologically upto "exfoliation of the self". Maybe some other time, I had told myself.
The more interesting thing is “manscaping”, which the Internet informs me, is men shaving off their body hair. I have known swimmers and cyclists do that, makes them more “aero/hydro-dynamic”. But this manscaping is apparently for cosmetic reasons.
Hmm, quite a lot of work this whole metrosexuality bit!
Anyways I have Joe Satriani’s “Home” playing on Winamp at the moment, and it sounds surreal.
Maybe ill listen to Kylie on the way home, or maybe ill play “Home” in repeat all night :)
On Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:41:00 am
Shaving body hair you say? Hmm, I definitely know the perfect metrosexual.