the 'Fist' & the 'Pacifist'
Though my soul may set in darkness, it shall rise in perfect light,
I have loved the stars too fondly, to be fearful of the night.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Love songs like small whispers.
Drunk on a Sunday Night. The new week, a life time away.
I laugh to myself, the delusions of a little man.

You are asleep in my little town.
Maybe you think, a thing of the past, might not yet be over.

I thought about you on Suburban trains.
When I missed you, I closed my eyes in the river breeze.

Imagined Road trips, when I squinted behind shades.
Turned around to see if you were standing by the door.

When I had an aching head, I wrote bad verse.
On cold boat trips, I longed to hold your hand.

At parties, too bored to be happy, too drunk to be sad.
I wanted you by my side, I wanted to turn heads.

Polished guitars in show windows, I wish I had a song.
Flower shops under stripped tarpaulin.

Close to midnight, writing to you on white sheets. I finally realize.
All I ever wanted was a beautiful love story.


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